Implied Dividend Calculator

This article teaches you how to calculate the implied dividend of an option via put-call parity, illustrated with an Excel spreadsheet.

Measure the Strength of a Trend with Aroon

Aroon is a remarkably insightful indicator that quantifies the strength of a price trend. Traders use this signal to generate buy/sell points and support other technical indicators.

Zephyr Pain Index

This risk metric captures the time it takes to regain investment losses, and the severity and frequency of those losses. Get a free spreadsheet with open VBA.

How to Calculate Mortgage Payments in Excel

Like me, you might have used an online mortgage calculator to predict your payments.

But how do those tools come up with your payment amount? Well, armed with Excel, you can easily calculate that magical number

Mortgage Payment Calculator

Calculate your mortgage payments with this this free Excel spreadsheet.

You can pick your payment frequency, and generate a schedule giving you the date of every payment